Construction Cost

estimation, projection, or prediction of a quantity based on knowledge and/or experience at the time, while acknowledging the uncertainty or unknowability of other relevant facts. The least expensive (and least accurate) kind of modeling is an estimate, which is essentially the same as an educated guess.

3D Sketching

To assist the architectural designer in producing the necessary plans, elevations, drawings, estimates, and material details, an intelligent 3D architectural model integrates all the 2D data, materials, drawings, and documentation. He can quickly assess the effects of several design options on the cost and final product by applying them to this 3D model. Better design and effective material use are the outcomes. You may also rotate the building model to create different angles and viewpoints.

By providing accurate dimensions and beautifully rendered structural information, 3D visualization may provide architects and clients with a realistic concept of what the project will look like.

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